Youth Suicide Research Consortium
Fourth National Conference — June 9, 2023
Intersectionality in Youth Suicide Prevention: Improving Research with LGBTQ+ Youth of Color
Intersectionality focuses on power and the effects of interlocking social structural systems of oppression and discrimination, such as racism, sexism, heterosexism, and cisgenderism, on health outcomes. Intersectionality represents a critical praxis that helps frame the ways in which we address social injustices that characterize mental health disparities among youth at the intersection of multiple minoritized identities, including youth of color and LGBTQ+ youth. Intersectional frameworks are essential for providing a culturally responsive understanding of the elevated suicide risk among LGBTQ+ youth of color and developing tailored suicide prevention efforts that meet the needs of these youth. The 4th annual Youth Suicide Research Consortium conference, to be held June 9, 2023, will focus on research efforts to better address the intersection of LGBTQ+ and racial and ethnic minoritized identities in youth suicide prevention research.